



Berliner Blätter 63/2013

Participative Strategies in Collecting the Present

Herausgegeben von / issued by Léontine Meijer-van Mensch und Elisabeth Tietmeyer

Museums need to find answers to what it means to be part of a participative culture, a culture in which members believe that their contributions matter and feel some degree of social connection with one another. In documenting contemporary culture, participative projects add new perspectives to collections. At the same time they provide participants with a better understanding of the specificity of museum work. This better understanding fosters people’s sense of ownership in a museum. Yet, the participative method of collecting is not uncontested. It may question the autonomy and authority of the museum professional, involving a redefinition of the professional as an external expert acknowledging the expert knowledge of the individual and the community itself.



Mit Beiträgen von / with contributions by Zvjezdana Antoš, Zelda Baveystock, Pina Cardia, Kathrina Dankl, Christine Fredriksen, Dennis Herrmann, Angela Jannelli, Aleksandra Janus, Dorota Kawecka, Renée Kistemaker, Jonas Koch, Arjen Kok, Léontine Meijer-van Mensch, Peter van Mensch, Tena Mimica, Tanja Roženbergar, Elisabeth Tietmeyer, Thomas Michael Walle, Markus Walz und Annemarie de Wildt



Panama Verlag 2013
136 S., Broschur, 16 x 23 cm
ISSN 1434-0542
ISBN 978-3-938714-28-7
14,90 € (D), 15,50 € (A), 24,90 sFr


BB62  e-text


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