After Practice (Vol. I)
Edited by the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations
Thinking through Matter(s) and Meaning Relationally Edited by the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations The two volumes of After practice – Thinking through Matter(s) and Meaning Relationally reassemble thought-provoking papers, essays and lectures by Stefan Beck. Each of them explores a different aspect of theories of socio-material practice. To commemorate Stefan Beck’s relentlessly relational and restless thought style and to extend it into productive lines of becoming, the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations has asked some of his former companions to take inspiration from these pieces and elaborate on the thinking in and through practice.
The Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment|Human Relations
Jörg Niewöhner: Introduction | After Practice. Thinking through Matter(s) and Meaning Relationally
Stefan Beck: Interlacing the Brain, Contextualizing the Body Relational Understandings in Social Neuroscience | 2012
Hannah Landecker and Christopher Kelty: Outside In | Microbiomes, Epigenomes, Visceral Sensing, and Metabolic Ethics
Stefan Beck: The Problem of Expertise | From Experience to Skilful Practices to Expertise | Ecological and Pragmatist Perspectives | 2012 / 2015
Dominic Boyer: Our Post-Post-Truth Condition
Annemarie Mol: Erlebnis-Belevenis as an Ethnographic Notion
Stefan Beck: Sachen, Tat-Sachen und Tatsachen | 2014
Thomas Lemke: Von Sandkörnern und Stolpersteinen | Ein bescheidener Vorschlag zur Zukunft der Science and Technology Studies
Michael Guggenheim: The Next Meal: Collaborative Re-Constructions of a Legacy
Tanja Bogusz und Estrid Sørensen: Mit Stefan Becks »Sachen, Tat-Sachen und Tatsachen« und »The Problem of Expertise« denken
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